Rent Assistance

Rent Assistance

Homelessness in our community is a major problem.

Our largest program is helping families with their rent payments. In 2023, we helped 282 families, spending over $328,720. By helping a family pay part of their rent, our hope is that they are able to remain in their homes and maintain stable lives. In addition, we also helped 97 families with emergency shelter at a local motel spending over $15,000. Volunteers visit families in their homes when rent assistance is requested, to hear their stories and better understand their situations.

The next day for rent assistance applications will be
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

beginning at 10:00 a.m.





If you need rent assistance:

  • Our funds are limited.  Demand for this assistance far exceeds our ability to help. We receive many calls and answer our phones as quickly as we can.
  • We take applications most Wednesday mornings, beginning at 10:00 am and our funding is quickly exhausted.
  • In order to apply, please call our office at 360-694-5388. You must speak to a member of our staff or a volunteer to apply. Do not leave a message; we are not able to return your call.
  • Our process requires that we speak to your landlord or manager, with your permission.
  • Your name must be on the lease for your home.
  • If your application is accepted, you will be visited in your home by a team of two

        St. Vincent dePaul volunteers.

  • We cannot assist with mortgage payments, move-in costs, or deposits.
  • If you owe more than two months' rent, we are not able to assist you.
  • If you have received rent assistance from us in the last 5 years, we will not assist you again.
  • Before calling, please check the map below to see if you are in our service area. We can help only those whose homes are inside the boundary. If you are not in our area, please use the link from the Council for the Homeless for information about other St. Vincent dePaul conferences that may be able to help you.

Please understand that these rules and policies have been put into place to allow us to help as many of our neighbors as possible.

You may view and search for your address on our boundary map by clicking on this link:

Vancouver SVdP Conference boundaries - Google My Maps

There are several St. Vincent de Paul Conferences in the Vancouver / Camas / Washougal / Battle Ground / Ridgefield and Woodland area that may provide rent assistance.

Also, please visit the Council for the Homeless website for up to date information on rental assistance in our county.

Our Gratitude to our donors that support our rental assistance program! Recently, we were awarded a $25,000 grant from The Firstenburg Foundation.  This kindness and generosity allowed us to prevent eviction proceedings and help 28 households remain in their homes! Impacting 84 people! Thank you!

More words of thanks received recently include -

 - "Thank you for your assistance to [a person] who suddenly lost income"

- "Rental assistance helped an aging [person]  to get back on track; this is a new beginning"

-"[rental assistance provided] a single dad and child a new start."

-"It takes a village! Thank you again for all you and your team do!"

And thank you to the donors who make it possible for us to assist our neighbors!

Have YOU ever experienced an interruption in your income because of one of these situations?

  • Job loss, or reduction in work hours
  • Termination of unemployment benefits before a new job begins
  • Disability or limited education, making employment hard to maintain
  • Car problems which result in repair expenses and loss of transportation
  • Unexpected medical expenses
  • Non-payment of child support
  • Spouse or roommate no longer contributing or moves out
  • Domestic violence forcing an unexpected move

The majority of rent assistance requests come from people who are working hard to improve their situations.

Our mission is to help people who are struggling to make the rent. Sometimes they contact us when they are within a few days or even hours of eviction from their homes. There are many reasons that people find themselves in this situation.

Can YOU help us help others?

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