

With a 180+ year past and a dynamic, multi-faceted present, there's much more to the St. Vincent de Paul Society than most people realize.

Like so many other organizations, we are deeply dependent upon the time and talent that is given by volunteers. Without the dedication and commitment of our volunteers, we would not be able to function.

Our Conference currently has about 95 active volunteers who generously give, on average, a total of almost 2,200 hours per month to help the poor in our community. In addition to our regular weekly opening hours at the Stapleton Road facility, our seasonal programs - Thanksgiving food boxes, Coats and Shoes, and Christmas food boxes and gifts - require many extra hands each year.

The Society offers a wide range of ways that you can help. Most volunteer opportunities take place at our food pantry and clothing bank on Stapleton Road. For specific information on the work of volunteers, please see our Volunteer page.

New Volunteer Orientation

The next volunteer orientation dates are:

April 26, 2025 from 9:00am - 12:00pm

October 11, 2025 from 9:00am - 12:00pm

Anyone interested in learning more or attending an orientation may call Carolyn or Sylvia at 360-694-5388.

Ozanam Orientation

The Ozanam Orientation is a day of presentations and discussions intended to introduce the Society to new members and to keep long-time Vincentians up to speed and invigorated. Whether you've been a Vincentian for one month or ten years, you'll enjoy this day learning about our history, home visit basics, our Spirituality, our core values and goals, and Conference life. You'll meet people from other Conferences and come away with a new enthusiasm for your vocation.

All new active members should attend an Orientation within one year of joining the Society, and all officers must attend before or soon after taking office.

The Ozanam Orientation is offered every six to twelve months in southwest Washington. For information or to register for this Orientation, please contact our office at 360-694-5388.

Please check this page again for information on the next Orientation, or call the office at 360-694-5388.

Home Visit Training

From the Society's beginning, the central and most basic activity of Conferences has been the visitation of the needy in their homes, especially when they request assistance with their rent. Visiting them in their homes is the clearest symbol of our Vincentian charism, which dictates the highest respect for the dignity of the poor. It symbolizes our Vincentian commitment to reach out to the needy, rather than require them to report to an outside service site.

Please call our office for information about upcoming training opportunities at 360-694-5388.

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